Helping companies and families share their stories...
Helping companies and families share their stories...
Helping companies and families share their stories...

Book and digital story celebrating a company’s fortieth anniversary of building luxury homes in south Florida

Book and digital story celebrating a company’s fortieth anniversary of building luxury homes in south Florida

A corporate anniversary or milestone offers an occasion to share your company’s history and culture. This can take the form of a series of short stories/vignettes and photos with graphic punch—shared in a book or digitally. The aim is for it to be read because of its story‑driven and photo‑rich nature.

A corporate anniversary or milestone offers an occasion to share your company’s history and culture. This can take the form of a series of short stories/vignettes and photos with graphic punch—shared in a book or digitally. The aim is for it to be read because of its story‑driven and photo‑rich nature.
A corporate anniversary or milestone offers an occasion to share your company’s history and culture. This can take the form of a series of short stories/vignettes and photos with graphic punch—shared in a book or digitally. The aim is for it to be read because of its story‑driven and photo‑rich nature.

A son asked us to help share his father's story for the grandchildren and great‑grandchildren

Capture your parents’ story for the grandkids. Or share your life experiences and lessons learned. You can even include memorabilia. Projects by Thumbprint Books have ranged from 2 to 20 hours of interview, with 50 to 350 photographs (digital, physical photos, slides, or negatives), resulting in books from 60 to 350+ pages.


Capture your parents’ story for the grandkids. Or share your life experiences and lessons learned. You can even include memorabilia. Projects by Thumbprint Books have ranged from 2 to 20 hours of interview, with 50 to 350 photographs (digital, physical photos, slides, or negatives), resulting in books from 60 to 350+ pages.

A son asked us to help share his father's story for the grandchildren and great‑grandchildren

“Architectural” slipcase to house book, photos printed on aluminum, and other memorabilia


Because we can bind books by hand, we’re not limited to traditional book sizes or shapes. We can incorporate materials that express who YOU are. Custom projects by Thumbprint Books have included slipcases for books, clay tile insets in book covers, photos laser‑cut into wood, and photos printed on aluminum. We’d enjoy exploring with you how one or more copies of your book could be displayed as pieces of art—“book art.” See our Portfolio for examples of our book art.

“After both my Mom and Dad passed away, we were left with over 40 albums and scrapbooks documenting their lives. When I saw some of the books of family stories created by Larry and Sylvia Adams, I was inspired to attempt a similar one honouring my parents’ lives. I wrote the text and selected the photographs. Larry and Sylvia provided me with the needed encouragement and guidance along with professional scanning and the complete layout, design, and publishing of the book. The end result is more than I could have imagined and will be a long-lasting gift to the next generations.” — K. Bentall

“After both my Mom and Dad passed away, we were left with over 40 albums and scrapbooks documenting their lives. When I saw some of the books of family stories created by Larry and Sylvia Adams, I was inspired to attempt a similar one honouring my parents’ lives. I wrote the text and selected the photographs. Larry and Sylvia provided me with the needed encouragement and guidance along with professional scanning and the complete layout, design, and publishing of the book. The end result is more than I could have imagined and will be a long-lasting gift to the next generations.” — K. Bentall

“After both my Mom and Dad passed away, we were left with over 40 albums and scrapbooks documenting their lives. When I saw some of the books of family stories created by Larry and Sylvia Adams, I was inspired to attempt a similar one honouring my parents’ lives. I wrote the text and selected the photographs. Larry and Sylvia provided me with the needed encouragement and guidance along with professional scanning and the complete layout, design, and publishing of the book. The end result is more than I could have imagined and will be a long-lasting gift to the next generations.” — K. Bentall
Grandparents' story and photos captured for next generations

“After both my Mom and Dad passed away, we were left with over 40 albums and scrapbooks documenting their lives. When I saw some of the books of family stories created by Larry and Sylvia Adams, I was inspired to attempt a similar one honouring my parents’ lives. I wrote the text and selected the photographs. Larry and Sylvia provided me with the needed encouragement and guidance along with professional scanning and the complete layout, design, and publishing of the book. The end result is more than I could have imagined and will be a long-lasting gift to the next generations.” — K. Bentall